Short Story (Narrative)


By Ngurah Ariesta

It was winter. The woods and leaves were covered by the snow. The roads were so slippery. The small town named Convince looked white. White, like the white of Christmas. The biggest building with a big clock which stood in the center looked so elegant. The church where the people pray to the Christ was very close to this building. The town looked beautiful. Very beautiful.

But not inside. Many building were not well prepared. They looked like buildings in the 18th century. The roofs were broken. The trashes were many. But the smell was not so bad. It might because of the winter. The trashes were frozen so that the smell was hidden like a meat in the freezer.

“Jenny, don’t take it! That is dirty”, said a mother to her daughter who wanted to take a doll from the trash. “But I like it mom”, said the girl.

A man came and took the doll. He cleaned it and gave it to the girl. “Keep it clean”, he said to the girl and leaved her. He did it because he remembered to a girl who changed his life.

The man was young and looked like a man without any hope. His face was so hopeless and looked like in sadness. He wore black T-shirt and jeans with Punk style. Of course, the jeans was not in good looking. His jeans was torn, decorated by bullets chain on his waist. His T-shirt was also decorated by words Punk Never Die. Yeah, he had a group. A group of Punk. He followed the group only to revenge.

One thing in his mind was “This is time to revenge”.

“No, not now”, he said to himself. He had to go to the church. Step by step he passed the road which was so slippery by the snow.

Miaooooo, miaaooo, he heard two cats singing across the road. “They must be a couple”, he thought. He passed old buildings which was elegant in the 18th century. But not now.

And he arrived. He stood in front of the church before entering it. The door was so high and wide decorated by the statue of Christ. He opened the door and suddenly his eyes shed tears. Tears of a loyal friend. Looking at his friend, Sam who was lying in the case. He sat at the back because many people already in front.

He remembered when he and his friend were together. Always together wherever and whenever. Their live was like the others. No violence, they live in peace.

“Jack, wait for me!” his friend ask him to wait when they come back home from school.

“Hey Sam, why are you looked so hurry? What happen?”

“No, I only want to tell you that I like that girl.”

“Do you mean love? Which one?” Jack asked. “I never know you love a girl”

“Yes, but now I’m serious. She is the girl who asked me for taking a medicine.

“Jenny?” Jack asked.

“Yap, You are right! Oh damn it, she is so beautiful and a good girl.” said Sam.

The girl was a daughter of a minister in Convince. She had long black hair and small eyebrow. She was also tall and slim, completed by her big breasts and hip which made many men adore her. Her legs were so sexy, sexier than any other girls. And also her claws which were decorated by pink color. It might because of her fortune as a beautiful girl born in a rich family and adored by any man in Convince. Jenny was always looked fashionable when she went everywhere. The people around the road looked at her. Their wish was they can be her boyfriend. But not in the girl’s mind because she already had a boyfriend. He was Diego. And Jack knew it.

When they went back home together and arrived at Sam’s house, Jack asked Sam, “Do you really love her?”

“Yes, so what?” Sam answered.

“Nothing. See you tomorrow”, said Jack.

Yap” said Sam.

When he opened the door, he looked at Jack who already continued to go home. He was afraid about what was already said by Jack. He was afraid if his friend also loves the girl. “It is impossible!” he murmured. “My friend will never betray me”, he thought. He entered his house and had a lunch.

It was different in Jack’s mind. It was not because he loved the girl, but because he knew that the girl already had a boyfriend who was the leader of a gang. “It will be a trouble”, he murmured. He thought about it until arrived at his house. He was confused as if a bird in a storm who couldn’t find its house. “Ok, don’t be afraid. I can solve this. Now I have to have a lunch”, he thought.

“Mom, I come’, he said to his mother.

“Have a lunch son!” said his mother.

His afraid was lost when he saw his beautiful mother who always took care of him and his family. His home was like a heaven. A heaven in this pain world. So, he started to take some rice and meats in the kitchen, put them on the plate and sat in front of the television. When he put his plate on the table and started to eat, he saw a chaos between Sam and Jenny’s boyfriend.

“NO!!!!” he shouted.

“What happened son? Are you fine?” asked his mother who was startled and suddenly took closer to her son looking for what was happening.

“Nothing mom, I’m only a little bit stress”, he said.

“Ok, you have to take a rest after having your lunch. After that, you should tell me your problem!” said his mother.

I need to find Sam, he said to himself.

Suddenly he went and at the same time his father came back from his office.

Hey, where do you wanna go? Ask his father.

Sam's house, jack said.

Jack walk as fast as he could. Ignoring everything that he saw on the road.

“Why is he looked so hurry?”, His father asked to his mom.

“I don't know. He looked so strange after coming from school.”

“I hope nothing happens”, said his father.

Jack ran so fast as if he was chased by a police because doing something wrong. A car almost hit him when crossing the road. “God, damn you!! You have eyes, don't you?”, said the driver angrily.

Jack just ignored it. He only focused on telling Sam about Jenny. Even though he didn't know how to say.

And finally he arrived. In front of Sam's house. Standing and taking a long breath for a while. He knocked the door.

“Sam!" He called. But no one answered. “Sam, are you at home?”

“Any body home?” After waiting about five minutes, he heard sounds of someone walking.

The sound was not coming from inside the house. He looked at his back, and he saw Sam came from somewhere. But Sam was not alone. Jenny was beside him, holding Sam’s hand as if a couple. Jack didn’t understand why. Why did Jenny give Sam hope? Jack couldn’t think anything. His mind was just like empty.

“Jack?” Sam called Jack but Jack didn’t answer.

“Hey, don’t be dazed. Come into my house!” Sam asked Jack to enter his house.

Jack was afraid. He knew that he would not be able to tell Sam if Jenny is also there. So he decided to tell Sam on another day. But Jenny was always with Sam. Whenever Jack came to Sam’s house, Jenny was always there. It might be because Sam’s parents went outside the town so that he freely invited Jenny to come to his house.

It was already three days but Jack still couldn’t tell Sam about Jenny. One afternoon Sam came to Jack’s house and invited Jack to a bar. A bar in the corner of the town. Jenny was not being with Sam. “This is time to tell Sam”, Jack thought.

They went to the bar together on foot. Sam told Jack about Jenny. Everything about Jenny that he knew. He said that he really loved Jenny, and he was sure that Jenny also loved him.

They arrived. The bar was so crowded. There were two big men wearing black T-shirt in front of the door. The door was also black and there was a warning “18+ only”. This place looked so small from the outside. But when they enter the bar, it was so large. They saw many customers got drunk. Some of them were singing accompanied with the bar girl, and some couples were kissing. There were sexy dancers on the stage. Jack and Sam ignored them. They only wanted to drink some beer.

“Sam, do you see that girl?”, Jack tried to get Sam’s attention.

“Hmm, yeah, she is beautiful. Do you like her?” Sam asked.

“No. By the way, how is Jenny?”

“She is fine”, Sam answered.

“I wanna tell you something about Jenny if you don’t mind”, Jack said.

“It’s OK, just tell me!”

“Don’t you know that Jenny already has a boyfriend? I’m afraid if you are close to her, it will be a trouble”. Jack said.

“Yes, I know” Sam said.

“What??!!!” Jack shouted.

“Jenny told me everything” Sam said.

“So why……”

“Calm down Jack, Jenny told me that she doesn’t love Diego anymore because he doesn’t care a bout Jenny. He only busy with his friend, drinking alcohol, doing drugs, and Jenny doesn’t like them. She ever tried to tell Diego but she was slapped. She just need a few time to leave her bad boyfriend”.

“But you know Diego, don’t you? He is a bad boy”. Said Jack who looked so afraid.

“Hey, don’t be a chicken! Just forget about it. Let’s have a drink. We will enjoy this night’, Sam tried to make Jack calm. “Come on Jack, take the beer!”

They drank the beer together in the bar. They drank the beer which contained 15% alcohol accompanied by a bar girl. The girl was so beautiful. She poured the beer into the glasses and then Sam and Jack drank them. And five hours had passed. Both of them got drunk. They feel enjoy the night and then prepared to go home. Sam took his purse and took some money from it. After looking at the bill, he put his money on the table.

“The rest is for you.” Said Sam to the bar girl.

“Come on Jack, let’s go home!”

“Wait a moment. I’m enjoying this night, lalalalalala….”, Jack sang unconsciously.

“Jack, it is already 1 o’clock! We have to go back”

“Sam, one more beer!”

Sam held Jack’s hand and asked him to go home. When Jack stood up, the bar girl kissed him and said thank you. They left her. They left the bar. Sam walked while carrying Jack’s hand on his back as if Jack couldn’t walk alone.

Unfortunately, when they passed a desolated road, Sam saw two men blocked them.

“Jack, wake up! We have a trouble.” Sam tried to make Jack wake up.

Jack woke up and saw the men. He knew one of the men. He was Diego. What was he afraid of would be true.

“Sam, that is Diego. The man with red shirt”.

“Yes, I know.”

“So, what will we do?”

“I don’t know. Let it flow.”

Diego and his friend took closer to them and said, “You take Jenny from me.”

“No! She comes to me,” Sam answered.

“No! Of course NOT! She loves me. All of these because of you!!”

“If you don’t believe me, you can ask Jenny.”

“No, thanks. I’m only asking you with this….” Diego said while showing his hand.

BUG!!! Diego punched Sam using his hand. Sam and Jack replaced by punching them. And they fought. The fighting was not long. All of them got injured because their strength were similar. When Jack touched his lip which was bleeding, Diego’s friend took a beam and hit the back side of Jack’s head. Jack became unconscious. He fell to the ground. Everything that he saw was just like shadows. His eyes couldn’t focus. Sam was not close to Jack. He ran, tried to punch Diego’s friend with ignoring Diego at his back.



After the two sounds, the night was silent as if nothing happened. Jack hardly tried to stand up, wished to know where did the sounds came from. He saw no one. Diego and his friend were gone. And he saw Sam lying on the ground with opened eyes. But he know Sam was not seeing anything. His eyes was like empty. He took Sam on his lap.



He called Sam but Sam didn’t answer. And Jack knew Sam was bleeding. One bullet had passed his head and one bullet had passed his heart. Sam was quiet. He couldn’t say anything. Diego killed Sam using a pistol.


“SAM!!! Come back to me!!”

“Don’t leave me!!”

Jack shouted and hugged Sam while crying. He cried very loud. The night became a darkest night in his life, losing a loyal friend from his life.

That was the past. Now he was in church. Looking at Sam who was lying on the cave. After the people prayed for Sam, Jack stood up and walked. He took closer to the cave which was still opened. Jack put a white rose as a symbol of friendship on Sam chest.

“Sam, I’m so sorry I couldn’t take care of you. I hope Jesus will take you into his place. Good man.”

Jack came back to his seat. While he walking, he saw the girl. The girl who changed his life. The girl who brought this pain. She was Jenny, sitting in the middle. Jenny smiled to Jack but Jack didn’t respond.

“It is not her fault,” he said to himself.

The funeral of Sam was so silent. All the people were in sadness especially Sam’s family. They couldn’t believe that their son died tragically. Jack only kept silent as if he knew nothing. It was because he was trauma.

Three days later when the winds were so cold flew slowly and the snow was starting to melt, a news came. Diego and his friend were caught by the police. The court blamed them for killing by planning. Diego was jailed for 13 years and his friend was jailed for 8 years.

“Sam, the one who killed you has been jailed. Now, the time to revenge is over. I hope you sleep calmly in your place. You are my angel forever in my life.”



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